"Kia whanake ngā tangata, Kia whanake ngā whānau, Kia whanake te ao. Better People, Better Communities, Better World"
Outward Bound NZ is one of Aotearoa NZ’s leading outdoor education providers. We are based in Anakiwa, Tōtaranui/Queen Charlotte Sound where we have been operating since 1962. At the centre of our students experience are our Kaiako/Instructors who play a huge role in ensuring the quality and safety of our courses. Through the use of adventure in and around te Taiao, our natural world, our students connect with their environment, their peers, and themselves in an experience facilitated and led by our Kaiako. Outward Bound NZ is committed to honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi, environmental sustainability and hauora/health. We have a growing relationship with Te Ātiawa and with Te Ao Maori which is continuing to develop our practice.